Municipal Council

2024-2028 Term

District 1
Councillor Mary Maclellan

District 2
Councillor Adam Baden-Clay

District 3
Councillor Richelle MacLaughlin

District 4
Councillor Shawn Brophy

District 5
Councillor Wayne Melanson

District 6

District 7
Deputy Warden John Dunbar

District 8

District 9
District Boundaries
In December 2014, the Municipality applied to the Nova Scotia Utility & Review Board (the Board) to confirm the number of polling districts, and to change the boundaries of districts, as per Section 369 of the Municipal Government Act. That application was approved by the Board in April 2015.
To view a map of the district boundaries click here.
Strategic Priorities
In 2021, Municipal Council took part in a Strategic Priority Setting exercise.
If strategic planning is the roadmap, Strategic Priority Setting is the vehicle to reach the destination. In fact, it is a tool to narrow the array of choices facing a local government amidst limited resources.
To assist Council in this process, a Priority Setting Workshop was held, which was modelled on the process undertaken in 2017 during a similar workshop facilitated by Dr. Gordon McIntosh of the Local Government Leadership Institute. The outcomes of this session resulted in specific priorities for Council attention NOW as well as NEXT and LATER as resources become available.
The Strategic Priorities outlined in the linked document are based on a shared community vision of Antigonish as articulated in the Municipality’s Integrated Community Sustainability Plan:
“Antigonish is a vibrant, safe, diverse and affordable community, caring in nature, proud in its heritage and committed to sustainability. Central to this vision are our values of preserving a high quality of life and well-being of our citizens, celebrating our heritage and culture, protecting our natural environment, enhancing learning opportunities and working collectively and peacefully to advance prosperity.”
The Priorities identified here will serve to guide Council for the remainder of the current term and shape staff work.