Tenders & Request for Proposals

Planning Consultation for Housing Density Increase, Zoning, and Bylaw Review

RFP: Compensation Review Services

The Municipality of the County of Antigonish is inviting proposals to review its staff salaries and council stipends, provide recommendations on adjustments to compensation and a methodology for calculating salaries for future positions. It is the policy of the...

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Planning Consultation for Housing Density Increase, Zoning, and Bylaw Review

Tender: Antigonish County Active Transportation Improvements

Multi-Use Pathway (Gravel Surface) St Martha’s Regional Hospital Driveway to Bay Street The Municipality of the County of Antigonish is seeking submissions from qualified organizations for the construction of a gravel multi-use pathway along the St Martha’s Regional...

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Planning Consultation for Housing Density Increase, Zoning, and Bylaw Review

Request for Quotation: Insulation Work

Please see the RFQ in the links below. Closing on Thursday April 25th at 3:00pm All quotes and proposals should be sent to Darryl Myette at Strait Engineering Ltd. Darryl MyetteStrait Engineering Ltd298 Reeves St. Unit 9Port Hawkesbury, NS B9A...

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REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS – Appleseed Drive Waterline Extension

REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS – Appleseed Drive Waterline Extension

The Municipality of the County of Antigonish is seeking proposals for the Appleseed Drive Waterline Extension.An information package on this Request for Proposals is available at the Municipal Public Works Building, 261 Beech Hill Road, Antigonish or by following the...

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REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS – Appleseed Drive Waterline Extension


The Municipality of the County of Antigonish is seeking proposals for the curbside collection of Bulky Waste materials within the County of Antigonish.  The successful bidder will be required to collect and separate designated material from approximately 6,800 homes...

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Planning Consultation for Housing Density Increase, Zoning, and Bylaw Review


  Tender submissions are to be received electronically in PDF format. Electronic tenders are to be titled “Company Name – 24-06 – APPLESEED PAVING” and are to be sent to the email kcleary@straiteng.com, subject line “APPLESEED PAVING”. Electronic submissions will be...

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Planning Consultation for Housing Density Increase, Zoning, and Bylaw Review

Tender: Washroom Accessibility Upgrades

The work under this project shall generally comprise but not necessarily be limited to provision
of all labour, materials and equipment for renovations to two existing washrooms and kitchenette
room to create a universal washroom, a barrier free washroom, and new kitchenette.

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Planning Consultation for Housing Density Increase, Zoning, and Bylaw Review

Request for Proposals: Transit Services Review

The Municipality of the County of Antigonish (County), Town of Antigonish (Town), and Antigonish Community Transit Society (ACTS; collectively referred to as the Partners) are seeking submissions from qualified individuals and organizations for the review of community...

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REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS – Appleseed Drive Waterline Extension

ICIP Net Zero Community Buildings Solar Project Tender

The work under this project shall generally comprise but not necessarily be limited to provision of all labour, materials and equipment for the installation of solar panels and associated electrical equipment as per project drawings and specifications for 7 buildings...

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REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS – Appleseed Drive Waterline Extension

Request for Proposals: Bulky Waste Collection

The Municipality of the County of Antigonish is seeking proposals for the curbside collection of Bulky Waste materials within the County of Antigonish.  The successful bidder will be required to collect and separate designated material from approximately 6,700 homes...

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Planning Consultation for Housing Density Increase, Zoning, and Bylaw Review

Tender: Highway 337 Watermain Extension

Tender submissions are to be received electronically in PDF format. Electronic tenders are to betitled “Company Name – 23-04 – HIGHWAY 337 WATERMAIN EXTENSION” and are to besent to the email kcleary@straiteng.com, subject line “HIGHWAY 337 WATERMAINEXTENSION”....

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Planning Consultation for Housing Density Increase, Zoning, and Bylaw Review

Antigonish County Net Zero Buildings – Heat Pump Upgrades

Tender submissions are to be received electronically in PDF format. Electronic tenders are to be titled “Company Name – 22-82-B – ANTIGONISH COUNTY NET ZERO BUILDINGS – HEAT PUMP UPGRADES” and are to be sent to the email dmyette@straiteng.com, subject line “22-82-B –...

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Planning Consultation for Housing Density Increase, Zoning, and Bylaw Review

Antigonish County Net Zero Buildings – LED Upgrades

Tender submissions are to be received electronically in PDF format. Electronic tenders are to be titled “Company Name – 22-82-A – ANTIGONISH COUNTY NET ZERO BUILDINGS – LED UPGRADES” and are to be sent to the email dmyette@straiteng.com, subject line “22-82-A –...

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The Municipality of the County of Antigonish is offering for sale a 2007 Dodge 1 Ton. 140,000KM5.7 L Standard TransmissionNOTE: Motor no longer worksHydraulic Hoist Dump BoxNew Tires Any questions, please call 902-863-9653. Sealed tenders, clearly marked "2007 Dodge"...

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