Tenders & Request for Proposals

For Proposals:  Recreation Department:  Operational Planning Facilitation

Antigonish Bikeway Corridor Feasibility Study

Bicycle Nova Scotia is seeking the services of a planning and engineering consultant or consultancy to complete a feasibility study for the development of two intersecting bikeway corridors within the Town and County of Antigonish.

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For Proposals:  Recreation Department:  Operational Planning Facilitation

Heat Pumps for the Antigonish County Courthouse

Sealed Tenders from contractors will be accepted until 2:00 p.m., AST, Friday, October 25, 2019, by Beth Schumacher, Deputy Clerk, of the Municipality of the County of Antigonish, and are to be submitted with the bid form provided in an envelope marked “Antigonish County Court House – Heat Pump Tender 2019”. 

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