Tender submissions are to be received electronically in PDF format. Electronic tenders are to be titled “Company Name – 22-82-B – ANTIGONISH COUNTY NET ZERO BUILDINGS – HEAT PUMP UPGRADES” and are to be sent to the email dmyette@straiteng.com, subject line “22-82-B – ANTIGONISH COUNTY NET ZERO BUILDINGS – HEAT PUMP UPGRADES”. Electronic submissions will be accepted up until 2:00 pm on, Tuesday March 23rd, 2023. It will be the Tenderer’s responsibility to ensure the tender submission is received electronically on time. Email submissions will receive a reply back email indicating Tender submission has been received. Hard copies to be mailed to the Municipality the same day to the attention of Tammy Feltmate.
Net Zero Heat Pump Upgrades Tender
Net Zero Heat Pump Bid Form
Net Zero Heat Pump Addendum #1
Net Zero Heat Pump Addendum #2