Plan Antigonish is a project to create a municipal planning strategy for the Municipality of the County of Antigonish. In 2018, the Provincial Government passed Bill 58, an amendment to the Municipal Government Act that requires every municipality to develop and adopt a municipal planning strategy. The majority of Antigonish has existing municipal planning strategies except portions of District 1, 2 & 3.
To learn more about this project, join us for an Open House in your community:
Monday, Nov. 15th at 6:30pm – Arisaig, NS
Arisaig Parish Community Centre, 5548 NS-245
Tuesday, Nov. 16th at 6:30pm – Cape George, NS
Cape George Heritage School Museum, 5758 Hwy 337
Wednesday, Nov. 17th at 6:30pm – Lochaber, NS
Lochaber Centre, 1555 Nova Scotia Trunk 7
Thursday, Nov. 18th at 6:30pm – St. Joseph’s, NS
St. Joseph’s Lakeside Community Centre, 2752 Ohio East Rd
If you have any questions about the Open House or the project more generally, reach out to the project team at