Participate on a Committee – Planning Advisory Committee

We are currently seeking three County representatives for the Planning Advisory Committee for a three year term.

Letters of application will be received until April 1, 2025 at 4:00pm.

2025 Planning Advisory Committee Application

Applications can be dropped off, mailed or emailed to:

Municipality of the County of Antigonish

Attn: Alisha Bowie
285 Beech Hill Road
Beech Hill, NS  B2G 0B4


The mandate of the Planning Advisory Committee is to:

  1. Advise Municipal Council respecting the preparation or amendment of Municipal Planning Strategies, Land Use Bylaws and the Subdivision Bylaw, as well as general land use planning matters.
  2. Receive and consider recommendations from any of the Municipality’s Area Advisory Committees.
  3. Act as the Heritage Advisory Committee pursuant to the Heritage Properties Bylaw.
  4. Gather information on matters affecting planning and development;
  5. Provide a forum to hear and consider representation from any individual, organization or delegation with respect to planning;
  6. Take other steps consistent with this policy that the committee reasonably deems necessary to carry out its mandate; and,
  7. Take action on such matters as are lawfully delegated to it by statute or by Council.


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