We are currently seeking three County representatives for the Planning Advisory Committee for a three year term.
Letters of application will be received until April 1, 2025 at 4:00pm.
2025 Planning Advisory Committee Application
Applications can be dropped off, mailed or emailed to:
Municipality of the County of Antigonish
Attn: Alisha Bowie
285 Beech Hill Road
Beech Hill, NS B2G 0B4
The mandate of the Planning Advisory Committee is to:
- Advise Municipal Council respecting the preparation or amendment of Municipal Planning Strategies, Land Use Bylaws and the Subdivision Bylaw, as well as general land use planning matters.
- Receive and consider recommendations from any of the Municipality’s Area Advisory Committees.
- Act as the Heritage Advisory Committee pursuant to the Heritage Properties Bylaw.
- Gather information on matters affecting planning and development;
- Provide a forum to hear and consider representation from any individual, organization or delegation with respect to planning;
- Take other steps consistent with this policy that the committee reasonably deems necessary to carry out its mandate; and,
- Take action on such matters as are lawfully delegated to it by statute or by Council.