Tender submissions are to be received electronically in PDF format. Electronic tenders are to be titled “Company Name – 20-05-B-WSTSW” and are to be sent to the email kdecoste@straiteng.com, subject line “20-05-B-WSTSW”. Electronic submissions will be accepted up until 2:00 pm on Thursday, June 4, 2020 (local time). It will be the Tenderer’s responsibility to ensure the tender submission is received electronically on time. Email submissions will receive a reply back email indicating Tender submission has been received. Hard copies to be mailed to the Municipality of the County of Antigonish, 261 Beech Hill Road, Beech Hill NS B2G 0B4 the same day to the attention of Daryl Myers. Due to COVID-19 restrictions there will be no public tender opening.
The work under this project shall generally comprise but not necessarily be limited to provision of all labour, materials and equipment for site works associated with a steel water storage tank project. Work included under this project consists of water line and drain line piping, all siteworks including site grading, grubbing, fencing, access road, connection to existing and appurtenances. Contractor’s must take into consideration and adjust their work practices to ensure ALL construction activities are following the on-going (and changing) provincial COVID-19 restrictions issued by the Government of Nova Scotia and federal restrictions issued by the Government of Canada.
Tender Documents may be obtained (electronic or paper) from Strait Engineering Limited, 298 Reeves St, Unit 9, Port Hawkesbury, Phone (902) 625-3631. A non-refundable fee of $30.00 is required for paper copies only. Cash or cheque is acceptable. Cheque to be made payable to Strait Engineering Ltd. Contractor to allow 24 hours notice for paper copy of Tender Documents to be prepared and is required to call ahead to arrange for pick-up. Electronic documents can be requested by emailing Kelsey DeCoste at kdecoste@straiteng.com.
Each tender must be accompanied by a certified cheque in the amount of 10% of the bid amount, or a Bid Bond in the amount of 10% of the bid amount and a Consent of Surety for the required fifty percent (50%) Performance Bond and fifty percent (50%) Labour and Materials Bond. In lieu of bonding the Municipality will accept a certified cheque in the amount of 20% of the bid amount as project securities.
The Municiplality of the County of Antigonish reserves the right to reject any or all tenders, not necessarily accept the lowest tender, or to accept any tender which it may consider to be in the best interest of the Municipality. The Municipality also reserves the right to waive formality, informality or technicality in any tender.
Daryl Myers
Director of Public Works