Eastern Antigonish County
Stop at St. Anne’s Church in Summerside. St Anne’s was built as a missionary church by the Mi’kmaq in 1867 and is still owned by the Paq’tnkek First Nation. It is here that the local Mi’kmaq people gather on July 26th each year to celebrate the Feast of St. Anne, in honour of their patron saint. Pack a picnic lunch and spend a lazy afternoon at Bayfield Beach and the Bayfield Beach Provincial Park. From the Bayfield Wharf/Marina you can view Pomquet Island, home of the Pomquet Island Lighthouse.
Continuing along the coastline to Monastery, you will find that peace and tranquility abound at the beautiful and historic Our Lady of Grace Monastery and Outdoor Shrine. The monastery was originally founded in 1825 by Father Vincent de Paule Merle and a few French Trappist monks who called it Petit Clairvaux. It would be the first Trappist monastery in North America. The original structure was destroyed by fire and the construction of the present building was begun in 1894. Please remember to respect the peace and quiet of this spiritual place when visiting.
Camping facilities are available at Hyclass Ocean Campground and Linwood Harbour Campground, which are both located in Linwood. Nearby, you can take a walk and/or enjoy a picnic at the Linwood Heritage Nature Trail and Picnic Area, which also provides small-craft access to Linwood Harbour. In the Village of Havre Boucher, you will find the Havre Boucher Range Lights and, nearby, the North Canso Light overlooks the Strait of Canso. Boat ramps are accessible at the following locations: [Bayfield], [Barrios Beach/Tracadie Harbour], [Havre Boucher] and [Aulds Cove]. Accommodations are available in the Bayfield, Tracadie and Auld’s Cove areas. Public C@P sites are located in Heatherton, Afton, Monastery and Havre Boucher.
Discover Historic Places in Eastern Antigonish County
- Bayfield School
- Stop at Saint Peter’s Church in Tracadie, a provincially-registered heritage property, and visit the Veterans Park located on the church grounds
- Stop at Tracadie United Baptist Church in Monastery