On November 25, 2020, the Municipality of the County of Antigonish received a decision from the Nova Scotia and Utility Review Board (NSUARB) to approval to amalgamate the two existing water utilities (Fringe Area and Lower South River & Area) into one utility...
Current Notices
Remembrance Day Garbage Collection
The Beech Hill Solid Waste Resource Management Facility located at 1356 Beech Hill Road will be closed on Wednesday, November 11, 2020 in observation of Remembrance Day. Garbage, organics and recycling will NOT be collected Wednesday, November 11, 2020. Garbage...
Notice of Special Council Meeting – November 2nd
Please note that a Special Council Meeting will be held on Monday, November 2, 2020 at 7:30 pm for the purpose of swearing in the new Council, and selecting the Warden and Deputy Warden. Following the revised Minister’s Order regarding Committee and Council meetings,...
Notice of Special Council Meeting – August 31st
Please note that a Special Council Meeting will be held on Monday, August 31, 2020 at 7:30 pm. Following the revised Minister’s Order regarding Committee and Council meetings, this meeting will be held as a blend of in-person and virtual attendance, with limited...
Notice of Public Hearing: Donation of Land Appleseed Drive
Council of the Municipality of the County of Antigonish has scheduled a Public Hearing as required by the Municipal Government Act for the donation of land on Appleseed Drive (PID 10017036). Municipal Council intends to donate this land to the Antigonish Affordable...
Antigonish County Court House – Tender for Concrete Portico, Steps and Ramp
The Municipality is looking for concrete work to be done to be done to the front entry and steps of the Courthouse Building at 172 Main Street, Antigonish. Bids must be submitted before 2:00pm on Wednesday, August 19, 2020 Submissions are requested to be received...
Notice of Special Committee of the Whole Meeting
Please note that a Special Committee of the Whole Meeting will be held on Monday, July 27, 2020 at 5:30 pm. Due to the Minister’s Order regarding Committee and Council meetings, this meeting will be held remotely, with minutes of the proceedings posted within 24...
Municipal Council Approves Community Partnership Grants
Municipal Council has approved over $300,000 in Community Partnership Grants within the 2020-2021 Budget. For the full list of grant recipients, click here.
Community Information Sessions: StFX Return to Classes
StFX University will host two virtual Community Information Sessions that will outline their plans to safely and responsibly welcome students back to campus in September. The virtual Community Information Sessions are open for anyone to participate. The sessions will...
Notice of Special Council Meeting – Monday June 29, 2020
Please note that a Special Municipal Council Meeting will be held on Monday, June 29, 2020 at 8:00 pm. Due to the Minister's Order regarding Council meetings, this meeting will be held remotely, with minutes of the proceedings posted within 24 hours of the...
Low Income Tax Exemption 2020
Municipal Council approved an increase to the Low Income Tax Exemption, increasing the rebate to a maximum of $200 with a total household income for 2019 not exceeding $30,000. For a copy of the Low Income Tax Exemption Form, click here.
Paying Your Property Tax Bill
Did you know that you can pay your tax bills without coming into the Municipal Administration Office? Property tax bills for the Municipality of the County of Antigonish have been issued and the deadline has been extended until July 31, 2020. Cheques can be mailed to:...
Notice re Hydrant Flushing – Lower South River & St. Andrews
Hydrant flushing in Lower South River, South Side Harbour, Glen Aire Estates, Dunmore Road, St. Andrews and Highway 316 will be undertaken starting Monday, June 1, 2020.
Work included under this project consists of approximately 2000 meters of 300 mm and 200mm watermain, complete with valves, hydrants and appurtenances.
Antigonish County Court House – RFP for Exterior Renovations
Submissions are to be received electronically in PDF format. Instructions for submissions and full details of the scope of work can be found in document MCA-CH2020
To help reduce the spread of COVID-19 and protect the safety of yourself and others the following rules are now in place for the use of the Antigonish All-Wheels Skatepark
Use of the Landing Trail
Walking, running and biking are great tools to maintain physical and mental health while social distancing. Those who choose to walk, run or bike on the trails must comply with the following provincial restrictions.
Antigonish Cares
Do you have a loved one, family friend, or former neighbour living in a long-term care home in our community? Why not take this time to reach out, send a note or draw picture that could help brighten someone’s day!
Provincial Parks Closed
The Province of Nova Scotia declared a State of Emergency on Sunday March 22, 2020. All provincial beaches and parks are closed until further notice.
Notice of Special Meetings – March 30, 2020 Committee of the Whole and Asset Management Committee
Meetings of the Committee of the Whole and Asset Management Committees will be held by teleconference on March 30, 2020.