Tender submissions are to be received electronically in PDF format. Electronic tenders are to be titled “Company Name – 22-82-A – ANTIGONISH COUNTY NET ZERO BUILDINGS – LED UPGRADES” and are to be sent to the email dmyette@straiteng.com, subject line “22-82-A – ANTIGONISH COUNTY NET ZERO BUILDINGS – LED UPGRADES”. Electronic submissions will be accepted up until 2:00 pm on, Tuesday March 14th, 2023. It will be the Tenderer’s responsibility to ensure the tender submission is received electronically on time. Email submissions will receive a reply back email indicating Tender submission has been received. Hard copies to be mailed to the Municipality the same day to the attention of Tammy Feltmate.
Antigonish County Net Zero – LED Upgrades Tender Document
Antigonish County Net Zero – LED Upgrades Addendum #1