Join the Town of Antigonish and the County in celebrating Canada Day on Saturday, July 1st! It will be a full day packed with fun activities and entertainment for the whole family. We can’t wait to see you there!
Pancake Breakfast
To kick off Canada Day, there will be a free pancake breakfast happening from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. prepared and served by the Antigonish Lions Club at St. Ninian’s Place.
Family Fun & Entertainment
After breakfast, enjoy an afternoon of entertainment and kid’s activities from 12 to 4 p.m. at the St. Andrew Junior School. Official ceremonies start at 2 p.m. Entertainment will include Garth Wilson, Mary Beth Carty, Sophie and Gracie Hawes with Andrew Huff, a magic show by Liam Brophy and performances by the Antigonish Creative Dance Association, the Maureen Fraser School of Dance, and the Antigonish Highland Dancing Association. And of course, will be lots of activities for the kids including jump tents, mascots, lawn games, and more! Don’t forget to bring a chair or blanket!
Sensory Hour
Before the afternoon’s entertainment begins at the St. Andrew Junior School, there will be a sensory hour to accommodate individuals with sensory sensitivities. There will be reduced noise levels, minimized crowds, and trained staff to create a more inclusive environment. This sensory hour will be from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Concert & Fireworks
The annual Canada Day concert at Columbus Field begins at 6:30 p.m. Local entertainment will include Brian and Abigail MacDonald, Ann Marie Pelley, Ray Stone, Big Marsh, and Hammer Down. Official ceremonies will begin at approximately 7:30 p.m. and will include the presentations of the Town and County’s Volunteers of the Year. Don’t forget to bring a chair or blanket!
Please note we hope to include fireworks in our Canada Day celebrations. We are closely monitoring the NS Burn Regulations and Restrictions.
Free Transportation
The Town of Antigonish is partnering with Antigonish Community Transit to offer free transportation to the Pancake Breakfast at St. Ninian Place and Evening Celebrations at Columbus Field on July 1. Book your ride in advance before 1 p.m. on Thursday, June 27. To Dial-A-Ride, please call or text: 902-867-0411or email: