Council and staff at the Town and County are busy working with Santa and his elves to plan this year’s holiday activities, including the parade, holiday skates, holiday movies, and more! Stay tuned for updates and details to come.
Friday, November 25:
Christmas on Main
Please join us for Christmas on Main, Friday, November 25 starting at 6:00pm on Main Street.
The Town and County would like to invite everyone to a satellite Evergreen Festival Antigonish Concert featuring Heather Rankin and Friends to kick off the holidays. The Smith Highland Dancers and Theatre Antigonish Carollers will also be performing as part of the festivities.
This event is proudly sponsored by Coastal Nova Scotia with funding from the Government of Canada and support from Develop Nova Scotia , 98.9XFM and StFX University.

Saturday, November 26:
The Santa Claus Parade is back! Starting at 6 p.m. the parade will leave Fairview Street, head down West Street, to Main Street, and then head up to Antigonish Market Square.
To register for the parade, please fill out the form below by 4 p.m. on Wednesday, November 23rd. You can also download a copy of the form on the Town’s website, fill it out and email it to or drop off at Town Hall.
Sunday, November 27:
Holiday Movie – The Grinch at 3 p.m.
Free holiday movie at the Barrick Auditorium, The Brian Mulroney Centre at StFX
The Town, County and StFX University are partnering to bring you several FREE movies this Holiday Season. The movies will be shown in Barrick Auditorium in the Brian Mulroney Institute of Government on StFX Campus. Pre-registration is required for all attendees.
Popcorn and drinks will be available for purchase. No other outside snacks permitted.
Registration will open on Thursday, November 17 at 12:00 PM.
To register, please visit If you do not already have an account, please create one. All attendees will have to be registered as there is limited seating.
Saturday, December 3 & Sunday, December 4
Santa tours the County! More details to be announced soon.
Sunday, December 11
Holiday Skate at the Antigonish Arena from 4:30 to 5:20 p.m.
Helmets are encouraged. Skates are available for loan through Antigonish County Recreation:
Wednesday, December 21
Holiday Movies – more details to be announced