Water and Sewer
Regular Business Hours (9:00 am to 4:30 pm): (902) 863-5004 or (902) 863-1117
After hours and on weekends and holidays (Emergencies only please): 1 (902) 318-3277
Road Maintenance
Regular Business Hours (9:00 am to 4:30 pm): (902) 863-5004 or (902) 863-1117
After hours and on weekends and holidays (Emergencies only please): 1 (902) 318-3077
Daryl Myers, Director, Public Works
Josh Chisholm, Working Supervisor, W&S Operations
261 Beech Hill Road
RR 6 Stn Main
Antigonish NS
B2G 0B4
Phone:(902) 863-5004
Fax:(902) 863-6146