A special meeting of Municipal Council will take place on Wednesday, February 26, 2025, at 7:30pm in Council Chambers at the Municipal Administration Building. The purpose of this meeting is to hold public hearings for the following planning applications:
Notice of Public Hearing – East Tracadie Rezoning for Multi-Unit Housing
- Rezone a portion of 385 East Tracadie Road (PID 01252956), East Tracadie from rural (R-1) to Residential Multi-unit (R-2). The staff report, providing more detailed information on the proposed rezoning, can be found here: https://edpc.ca/staffreports/antigonish/ATSR_RZ_UriahCooper_R1toR2.pdf
Notice of Public Hearing – Mount Cameron Rezoning
- Rezone two properties (PID 10137115 and PID 10137131) of West River Antigonish Harbour Plan Area Located in the Mount Cameron Circle. The first property (PID 10137115), to be rezoned from the Residential (R-1) to the Residential Multi-unit (R-2) zone, to allow for the construction of fourplex instead of duplex units. The second property ( PID 10137131), to be rezoned from Residential Multi-unit (R-2) to the Residential (R-1) zone to allow for the construction of a duplex instead of a fourplex. The staff report, providing more detailed information on the proposed rezoning, can be found here: https://edpc.ca/staffreports/antigonish/ATSR_ATRZ2025001_Staff_Memo.pdf
Notice of Public Hearing – Addington Forks Rezoning to Accommodate Residential Use
- Rezone 1648 Addington Forks Road (PID 01210582), Addington Forks from the Local Commercial (C-1) and Rural General (RG-1) Zone to the Residential (R-1) Zone. The staff report, providing more detailed information on the proposed rezoning, can be found here: https://edpc.ca/staffreports/antigonish/ATSR_C1toR1_Addington_Forks_Rd.pdf
Notice of Public Hearing – Re-designation and Rezoning of Foston’s Gas Station, adding small-scale automobile use as a permitted use in the General Commercial (C-2) Zone
- Redesignate the property (PID 01212117) from Rural Development to Commercial under the West River Antigonish Harbour Municipal Planning strategy to 1) redesignate the property identified as PID 01212117 from Rural Development to Commercial Designation on the Generalized Future Land Use Map; 2) rezone the same property from the Local Commercial (C-1) Zone to the General Commercial (C-2) zone on the Zoning map; and 3) add small-scale automobile sales as a permitted use in the General Commercial (C-2) Zone. The staff report, providing more detailed information on the proposed rezoning, can be found here: https://edpc.ca/staffreports/antigonish/ATSR_Salt_Springs_Auto_Sales.pdf
Written or oral presentations (in favour or opposition) to the proposed recommendations can be made before Municipal Council at a Public Hearing to be held on:
Wednesday, February 26th at 7:30pm in
Council Chambers of the County of Antigonish
285 Beech Hill Road, Antigonish County
Posted on the Municipal Website February 6, 2025 and in The Reporter February 5th and 12th, 2025 in accordance with the requirements of the Municipal Government Act.