Notice of Public Hearing

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT the Council of the Municipality of the County of Antigonish intends to consider and, if deemed advisable, adopt the following planning documents:

Municipality of the County of Antigonish Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use By-Law in accordance with Bill 58 the Mandatory Planning Sections of the Municipal Government Act

These new planning and zoning documents will apply to all areas of the County not presently under zoning regulations primarily along the North shore and Western end of the County.

Copies of the draft Plan and Zoning By-law can be inspected at:

  • The Municipal Office
  • The Eastern District Planning Commission
    (606 Reeves Street, Unit 3, Port Hawkesbury) between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30p.m. weekdays (excluding holidays)
  • Online at and


Further information may be obtained by contacting (902) 625-5361 or Toll Free 888-625-5361.

Written or oral presentations (for or against the proposed) can be made before Municipal Council at a Public Hearing to be

Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 7:30 p.m.
Council Chambers
285 Beech Hill Road, Beech Hill, Antigonish County

 Posted on the Municipal Website May 27th and in the Reporter May 29th and June 14th, 2024 in accordance with the requirements of the Municipal Government Act.

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